Friday, February 19, 2010

Avoid the #1 mistake that KILLS new websites

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Today I have a new resource to tell you about that will stop you
from making the common start-up mistake that KILLS many new

It's called the "Ebusiness Start-Up Handbook," and it's a
must-read for anyone who wants to build a profitable long-term
ebusiness on a solid foundation.

Download it, and you'll avoid wasting massive amounts of time and
money getting your new business started.

What I like most about this Handbook is that it uses simple
language and lots of examples and graphics to clearly explain the
step-by-step process you need to follow to find a lucrative
online market with minimal competition.

Start your website *without* doing this critical groundwork first,
and prepare for a long and costly battle...

You'll struggle to attract visitors, to get ranked in the search
engines, and to convert the few visitors you do get into buyers.

Worse, you could find yourself going head to head with the
Internet's toughest -- and most well-funded -- competitors, like and eBay.

The "Ebusiness Start-Up Handbook" was produced by the experts at
the Internet Marketing Center, who have generated over $100
million in sales online, so you know you can trust their advice.

I highly recommend you take the first step toward financial
independence by downloading this Handbook right away. You'll be
giving your new website its best chance of success.

Download it now at: Ebusiness Start-Up Handbook

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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Kids Fitness Games – Make Exercise Fun

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If you are looking for a way to get your kids to exercise but are running into road blocks along the way, the try incorporating some kids fitness games into the mix. When children are playing games they are less interested in the fact that they are exercising, and more interested in the fact that they are having a blast. There are several games that children of all ages can play to stay active and some of them can be found below.

Kids Fitness Games for Toddlers

It is never too early to start turning your kids on to different kinds of exercise. Instead of sitting them in front of a TV, try some of these fun and entertaining kids fitness games to get them up and moving around.

Duck Duck Goose

This is a popular favorite among toddlers. Everyone sits in a circle, and then one person stands up to pat each head and say duck, duck, duck. Eventually the child will touch someone's head, and that child will need to get up and catch them before the person who was it can run to the open spot and sit down. If they beat the goose they get to sit while the new child picks the goose.

Hide and Seek

Another favorite with young children, hide and seek is really fun for all ages but easy enough for toddlers to pick up. One child counts to ten or an adult can help them, while the other children hide. After the appointed time, they go and try to find the other kids and tag them before they reach home base. If they tag someone they are no longer it and get to be a child that hides.

Kids Fitness Games for 5-12 Year Olds

As children get older they will require more detailed games in order to keep them interested. Luckily, there are plenty of games that fall into that category. A few of them can be found below.

Capture the Flag

There are two teams in this game, and both of them have a flag of some sort on opposite ends of the field. Each team tries to run and capture the others flag and bring it back to their side. The first team to do it wins.

Blanket Sleds

Give children an old blanket to play with, and they can take turns sitting on it, while they pull one or more around the grass with it. If you have steep hills around your home, give your children some cardboard boxes to slide down them with. They may not use much energy sliding down hills, but thing of the exercise they will get climbing back up.

If you put some thought into it, you can come up with a wide range of kids fitness games that can be enjoyed by children of all ages. The examples below should give you a few ideas, but try to keep your children's own interests in mind when you think of games for them to play.

By : Dave OSullivan

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Monday, February 8, 2010

Kids Fitness Exercises – How to Get Them Started

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It can be very discouraging when your child does not want to participate in exercise of any kind. More and more children are becoming slaves to the television or videos games, and they are refusing to submerge long enough to breathe let alone participate in fitness of any kind. Here are kids fitness exercises that can be introduced into your child's life painlessly though, and they can help to keep your child active for years to come.

A Peer Environment

Some kids do better when they have others that are their age participating in an activity with them. So, try to fine kids fitness exercises that they can do with their friends or even new children that they have never met. For instance, you can enroll them in karate or kick boxing class for boys, and gymnastics or cheerleading for girls. A peer environment also encourages them to try their best and not quit, so they are more likely to stick with that particular form of exercise.

Make it a Game

If you want to find kids fitness exercises that your child will actually take part in, then you may need to look towards the video games that you loath. There is now a new wave of video games for children of all ages that focus on getting your child up and moving. These games are not only for older kids, there are ones for younger children as well, and even you might enjoy getting in on a game every once in a while.

Get Them Interested

Try to find something that your child is interested in. If they have always tried to set and reach amazing goals, maybe you could sign the two of you up for a marathon and have fun practicing together. Or, perhaps they love to watch a particular kind of sports game on TV. Why not sign them up for a season at their school or local community center to see if they enjoy it? The idea is to make the exercise something that they like so that they will continue to do it.

Help Them Get a Job

Believe it or not you can kill two birds with one stone when you are trying to find kids fitness exercises that work for your child. There are plenty of jobs for older children that incorporate some form of exercise, and the lure of money may be too good for them to pass up. Examples of jobs that might contain a fair amount of exercise include dog walking, car washing, lawn mowing, or newspaper delivery. You will be happy because your children are getting exercise, and they will be pleased with some money in their pockets.

There are a variety of ways to incorporate kids fitness exercises into your child's daily life. Whether you have to trick them into it, or simply find something they like, your child will be happier and healthier thanks to your effort.

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